How to Use Dynamic Routing In Next.js?

8 minutes read

To use dynamic routing in Next.js, you can create pages with dynamic parameters by using the square brackets in the file name to indicate the dynamic part of the route. For example, you can create a file called [id].js to create a dynamic route that accepts an id parameter.

In your page component, you can access the dynamic parameter using useRouter hook from next/router package. This allows you to retrieve the value of the dynamic parameter from the URL and use it in your component to fetch data or perform other actions based on the parameter.

You can also use getServerSideProps or getStaticProps functions in your dynamic route component to fetch data based on the dynamic parameter and pass it as props to your component.

Overall, using dynamic routing in Next.js allows you to create dynamic pages with clean and SEO-friendly URLs that can easily adapt to changing data or user input.

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What is the behavior of dynamic routing in server-side rendering in Next.js?

In Next.js, dynamic routing in server-side rendering works by generating static HTML files at build time based on the defined routes in the project. When a user accesses a page, Next.js will serve the corresponding pre-rendered HTML file.

If the route contains dynamic parameters (e.g. /posts/[id]), Next.js will generate a separate HTML file for each possible value of the parameter. This means that Next.js will pre-render all possible versions of the dynamic route at build time.

This behavior allows for faster page loads as the content is pre-rendered and cached, reducing the need for server-side rendering on each request. Additionally, it also helps with SEO as search engines can easily index the pre-rendered HTML content.

What is the impact of dynamic routing on the user experience in Next.js?

Dynamic routing in Next.js allows for more efficient navigation between pages without the need to reload the entire application. This leads to a faster and more seamless user experience as users can quickly move between different pages without experiencing delays or interruptions.

Additionally, dynamic routing in Next.js enables developers to create more interactive and dynamic features on their website, such as loading content dynamically based on user interactions or dynamically updating the URL in the browser.

Overall, the impact of dynamic routing on the user experience in Next.js is positive as it helps create a more fluid and responsive web application, ultimately leading to a better user experience.

What is the impact of dynamic routing on SEO in Next.js?

Dynamic routing can have a significant impact on SEO in Next.js.

  1. Better Navigation: Dynamic routing in Next.js allows for easier navigation between pages, which can improve the overall user experience and make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your website. This can potentially improve your website's rankings in search engine results pages.
  2. Targeted Keyword Optimization: With dynamic routing, you can create customized URLs for each page of your website, allowing you to target specific keywords and optimize your content for search engines. This can help improve the relevance of your website for certain search queries and drive more organic traffic to your site.
  3. Faster Page Load Times: Dynamic routing in Next.js can also help improve page load times, which is a key factor in SEO rankings. By dynamically loading only the necessary components for each page, you can reduce the overall load time of your website and provide a better user experience for visitors.

Overall, dynamic routing in Next.js can have a positive impact on SEO by improving navigation, targeting keywords, and optimizing page load times. It is important to make the most of these features to enhance your website's visibility and ranking in search engine results.

How to optimize dynamic routing for performance in Next.js?

  1. Code splitting: Break the code into smaller components and load them only when needed. This will reduce the initial load time of the page.
  2. Prefetching: Use the Link component from Next.js to prefetch links before the user clicks on them. This will improve navigation speed for users.
  3. Use getStaticProps or getServerSideProps: Instead of fetching data on the client side, use server-side rendering to fetch data before the page is loaded. This will improve the initial loading time of the page.
  4. Use the "fallback" option in getStaticPaths: If you are using dynamic routing with getStaticPaths, use the "fallback" option to generate new pages on the server-side when they are requested. This will improve the performance of your application.
  5. Optimize images and assets: Use Next.js image optimization to serve images in different sizes based on the device resolution. This will reduce the load time of images and improve performance.
  6. Minimize re-renders: Use React.memo or useMemo to memoize components that do not need to re-render on every change. This will reduce the number of re-renders and improve performance.
  7. Profile and optimize: Use tools like Chrome DevTools to profile and analyze the performance of your Next.js application. Identify bottlenecks and optimize code accordingly.

How to implement dynamic routing in Next.js?

Dynamic routing is a core feature in Next.js that allows you to create routes with parameters that can change based on user input. To implement dynamic routing in Next.js, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new page component in the pages directory with [param].js as the filename. For example, if you want to create a dynamic route for a blog post with a parameter id, create a file named [id].js.
  2. Inside the page component, use useRouter from next/router to access the parameter value. For example, to access the id parameter in the blog post page component:
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';

const BlogPost = () => {
  const router = useRouter();
  const { id } = router.query;

  return (
      <h1>Blog Post {id}</h1>

export default BlogPost;

  1. When navigating to the dynamic route, include the parameter value in the URL. For example, to navigate to the blog post with id equal to 1, you would navigate to /blog/1.
  2. If you need to fetch data dynamically based on the parameter value, you can use getServerSideProps or getStaticProps in your page component to fetch the necessary data. For example:
export async function getServerSideProps({ params }) {
  const { id } = params;

  // Fetch data based on the id parameter

  return {
    props: {
      post: { id, title: 'Example Post' },

  1. Now you have successfully implemented dynamic routing in Next.js. Your page component will render different content based on the parameter value in the URL.

Remember that dynamic routing in Next.js allows you to build powerful and flexible applications that can handle various types of user input and interaction.

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