How to Scroll to Top Of Iframe From Inside Iframe?

2 minutes read

To scroll to the top of an iframe from inside the iframe, you can use the window.parent object to access the parent window and then use the scrollTo method to scroll to the top. You can do this by writing window.parent.scrollTo(0, 0); in the script inside the iframe. This will scroll the parent window to the top when the script is executed within the iframe.

What JavaScript function can I use to scroll to the top of an iframe?

You can use the scrollTo method in JavaScript to scroll to the top of an iframe. Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to scroll to the top of an iframe:

// Get the iframe element
const iframe = document.getElementById('myIframe');

// Scroll to the top of the iframe
iframe.contentWindow.scrollTo(0, 0);

In this code snippet, we first get the iframe element using getElementById() and then use the contentWindow.scrollTo() method to scroll to the top of the iframe.

What is the syntax for scrolling to the top of an iframe with JavaScript?

To scroll to the top of an iframe using JavaScript, you can use the following syntax:

var iframe = document.getElementById('yourIframeId');
iframe.contentWindow.scrollTo(0, 0);

Replace 'yourIframeId' with the id of your iframe element. This code will set the scroll position of the iframe to the top left corner (coordinates 0,0).

What is the best way to scroll to the top of an iframe from the iframe itself?

To scroll to the top of an iframe from the iframe itself, you can use the following JavaScript code:


This code accesses the parent window of the iframe and then uses the scrollTo method to scroll the parent window to the top (0,0 coordinates). This will effectively scroll the iframe to the top as well.

Alternatively, you can use the following code if the iframe and parent window are on the same domain:


Both of these methods will allow you to scroll to the top of the iframe from within the iframe itself.

How to scroll to the top of an iframe using JavaScript?

You can scroll to the top of an iframe using JavaScript by accessing the content window of the iframe and then using the scrollTo() method. Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to scroll to the top of an iframe:

// Get the iframe element
var iframe = document.getElementById('myIframe');

// Get the content window of the iframe
var iframeWindow = iframe.contentWindow || iframe.contentDocument;

// Scroll to the top of the iframe
iframeWindow.scrollTo(0, 0);

Replace 'myIframe' with the ID of your iframe element. This code will scroll the iframe content to the top-left corner.

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