How to Change Src Function In Iframe?

4 minutes read

To change the src attribute of an iframe element using JavaScript, you can access the iframe element using its id or any other selector method. Once you have obtained a reference to the iframe element, you can simply set the src attribute to the desired URL using the setAttribute() method. For example:

var iframe = document.getElementById('myIframe'); iframe.setAttribute('src', 'newURL');

This code snippet will change the src attribute of the iframe element with id "myIframe" to 'newURL', effectively loading a new page within the iframe. Additionally, you can also use the src property directly to change the src attribute of the iframe.

How to load a different page in an iframe using JavaScript?

You can load a different page in an iframe using JavaScript by accessing the iframe element in your HTML document and setting its src attribute to the URL of the desired page.

Here's an example of how you can achieve this using JavaScript:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Load Page in Iframe</title>
    <button onclick="loadPage('')">Load Example Page</button>
    <iframe id="myIframe" width="800" height="600"></iframe>

        function loadPage(url) {
            var iframe = document.getElementById('myIframe');
            iframe.src = url;

In this example, clicking the button will trigger the loadPage function which sets the src attribute of the iframe element with the ID myIframe to the specified URL (in this case, This will load the desired page in the iframe.

What is the difference between changing the src attribute and setting the src attribute value in an iframe?

In HTML, an iframe element is used to embed another HTML document within the current document. The src attribute of the iframe element specifies the URL of the document to be embedded.

When you change the src attribute of an iframe, you are essentially replacing the current document being displayed within the iframe with a new document specified by the new URL. This action will reload the iframe and display the new document.

On the other hand, setting the src attribute value of an iframe means simply assigning a new URL to the src attribute without reloading the iframe. This action will not cause the iframe to reload, but it will change the URL that is associated with the iframe.

In summary, changing the src attribute of an iframe will reload the iframe and display a new document, while setting the src attribute value will only assign a new URL to the iframe without reloading it.

How to switch the content of an iframe with JavaScript?

To switch the content of an iframe using JavaScript, you can access the contentWindow property of the iframe element and then set the src attribute of the iframe to the new URL. Here is an example code snippet:

// Get the iframe element
var iframe = document.getElementById('myIframe');

// Set the src attribute to the new URL
iframe.contentWindow.location.href = '';

In this example, replace 'myIframe' with the id of your iframe element and '' with the URL of the content you want to switch to. This code will load the new content in the iframe without refreshing the whole page.

What is the recommended approach for updating the src attribute of an iframe element?

The recommended approach for updating the src attribute of an iframe element is to select the iframe element using JavaScript and then set the src attribute to the new URL value. This can be done using the following steps:

  1. Select the iframe element using document.querySelector or document.getElementById.
  2. Set the src attribute of the selected iframe element to the new URL value.

Here is an example code snippet that shows how to update the src attribute of an iframe element:

// Select the iframe element
const iframe = document.getElementById('myIframe');

// Set the src attribute to the new URL value
iframe.src = '';

By following this approach, you can easily and dynamically update the src attribute of an iframe element in your web page.

What is the significance of updating the src attribute of an iframe?

Updating the src attribute of an iframe is significant because it allows the content within the iframe to change dynamically. By updating the src attribute, you can load a different webpage or content within the embedded iframe without having to reload the entire page. This can improve the user experience by providing fresh and relevant content, and it can also be used for various purposes such as displaying different information or interacting with external sources. Overall, updating the src attribute of an iframe adds flexibility and interactivity to a webpage.

What is the purpose of changing the src function in an iframe?

The purpose of changing the src attribute of an iframe element is to dynamically load and display different web pages or content within the iframe without refreshing the entire page. This allows for a more dynamic and interactive user experience on a website, as different content can be loaded into the iframe based on user interactions or other events.

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