How to Get Filename Of Current File For Cmake?

2 minutes read

To get the filename of the current file in CMake, you can use the CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE variable. This variable contains the full path to the current CMake file that is being processed. You can access this variable in your CMake script to retrieve the filename of the current file. For example, you can use the following code snippet to print out the current file's filename:

message(STATUS "Current file: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}")

This will output the filename of the current CMake file to the console when the script is executed. You can use this information for various purposes in your CMake scripts, such as including other files based on the current file's location or performing specific actions based on the filename.

What is the function for obtaining the extension of the current file in cmake scripting?

The function for obtaining the extension of the current file in CMake scripting is get_filename_extension(). This function can be used to retrieve the extension of a file by providing the file path as an argument.

Here is an example of how you can use this function in a CMake script:

get_filename_extension("path/to/your/file.txt" ext)
message("The extension of the file is ${ext}")

In this example, the get_filename_extension() function is used to obtain the extension of the file "path/to/your/file.txt" and store it in the variable ext. The message() command is then used to display the extension of the file in the output.

What is the recommended method for obtaining the filename of the current file in cmake scripts?

The recommended method for obtaining the filename of the current file in cmake scripts is to use the ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} variable. This variable contains the full path to the current CMake file being processed. You can use this variable to get the filename by using the get_filename_component command like so:

get_filename_component(filename ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} NAME)
message("Current filename: ${filename}")

This will extract the filename from the full path stored in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} and output it to the console.

How to get filename of current file for cmake using a variable?

To get the filename of the current file in CMake using a variable, you can use the following command:

message("Current file name: ${CURRENT_FILE_NAME}")

This command uses the get_filename_component function to extract the filename from the CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE variable, which contains the full path of the current CMake file. The NAME option specifies that we want to extract just the filename, without the path. Finally, the message command is used to print the filename to the CMake output.

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