How to Call A Cmake Method From Shell Script?

4 minutes read

To call a CMake method from a shell script, you can use the cmake command followed by the name of the CMake file (.cmake) where the method is defined, along with any necessary arguments. This can be done by navigating to the directory containing the CMake file and running the cmake command from the shell script. Make sure to include any additional flags or options required by the method.

For example, you can call a CMake method named myFunction in a file named myCMakeFile.cmake by running the following command in your shell script:

cmake -P myCMakeFile.cmake

This will execute the myFunction method defined in the myCMakeFile.cmake file. You can also pass arguments to the method by adding them after the file name:

cmake -P myCMakeFile.cmake arg1 arg2

This will pass arg1 and arg2 as arguments to the myFunction method. Make sure to handle these arguments appropriately within the method itself.

How to handle dependencies when calling cmake methods from a shell script?

When calling CMake methods from a shell script, you may need to handle dependencies in order to ensure that the build process is successful. Here are some tips on how to handle dependencies in this scenario:

  1. Set up your project structure: Make sure that all dependencies are properly included in your project structure. This may involve downloading and installing libraries or packages that your project relies on.
  2. Use CMake's find_package() method: CMake provides a find_package() method that can be used to locate and include external dependencies in your project. This method will look for the specified package on your system and set the necessary CMake variables to include it in the build process.
  3. Use CMake's ExternalProject_Add() method: If the dependency is not available on your system or you need a specific version of it, you can use CMake's ExternalProject_Add() method to download, build, and include the dependency in your project. This method allows you to specify the source URL, build commands, and installation paths for the external project.
  4. Check for dependency availability: Before calling CMake methods in your shell script, you should check whether the required dependencies are available on your system. You can use conditional statements in your script to handle cases where a dependency is missing or incompatible.
  5. Handle dependency installation: If a required dependency is missing, your shell script can automatically download and install it before calling CMake methods. You can use package managers like apt-get, yum, or Homebrew to install dependencies on Linux, macOS, or Windows systems, respectively.

By following these tips, you can effectively handle dependencies when calling CMake methods from a shell script and ensure that your build process runs smoothly.

What is the effect of system updates on calling cmake methods from a shell script?

System updates can potentially affect the calling of CMake methods from a shell script in several ways:

  1. Dependency issues: System updates may lead to changes in dependencies required by CMake methods, causing the shell script to fail to execute properly if those dependencies are not met.
  2. Changes in CMake behavior: Updates to the system may introduce changes in CMake behavior or syntax, leading to errors or unexpected behavior when calling CMake methods from the shell script.
  3. Path changes: System updates may alter the paths to CMake executable or libraries, causing the shell script to fail to locate these components and resulting in errors during execution.
  4. Performance improvements: On the positive side, system updates may also bring performance improvements to CMake, making the execution of CMake methods more efficient and reliable from the shell script.

In general, it is important to check for compatibility and potential issues after system updates when calling CMake methods from a shell script to ensure smooth execution of the script.

How to monitor the progress of a cmake method called in a shell script?

One way to monitor the progress of a cmake method called in a shell script is to redirect the output of the cmake command to a log file. This way, you can view the contents of the log file in real-time to see the progress of the cmake method.

Here's an example of how you can redirect the output of a cmake command to a log file in a shell script:


# Run the cmake command and redirect the output to a log file
cmake .. > cmake_log.txt

# Monitor the progress by viewing the log file
tail -f cmake_log.txt

In this script, the cmake .. command is run and its output is redirected to a log file called cmake_log.txt. The tail -f cmake_log.txt command is then used to continuously display the last few lines of the log file, allowing you to monitor the progress of the cmake method as it runs.

Alternatively, you can also use the tee command to simultaneously display the output of the cmake method in the terminal while also redirecting it to a log file:


# Run the cmake command and redirect the output to both the terminal and a log file
cmake .. | tee cmake_log.txt

This script will display the output of the cmake method in the terminal as it runs, while also saving it to a log file called cmake_log.txt for later reference.

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