How to Create A Custom 404 Page In Next.js?

6 minutes read

To create a custom 404 page in Next.js, you need to first create a new file in the pages directory called "404.js". This file will serve as your custom 404 page. Next, you can add your desired content and styling to this page just like you would with any other page in your Next.js project.

To ensure that this custom 404 page is displayed when a user lands on a non-existent page, you need to return a 404 status code in the getInitialProps function of your 404.js file. This will trigger Next.js to display this page whenever a 404 error occurs.

You can also customize the appearance of your custom 404 page by adding your own CSS styles or using a framework like Tailwind CSS. This will allow you to make your 404 page visually consistent with the rest of your website.

By following these steps, you can easily create a custom 404 page in Next.js that provides a better user experience for visitors who encounter a 404 error on your site.

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How to use custom fonts on a 404 page in Next.js?

To use custom fonts on a 404 page in Next.js, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add your custom fonts to your Next.js project by placing the font files in a specific directory such as public/fonts.
  2. Create a CSS file for your custom fonts by creating a new CSS file in your styles directory, such as styles/fonts.css.
  3. In the CSS file, import the custom fonts using the @font-face rule, like this:
@font-face {
  font-family: 'CustomFont';
  src: url('/fonts/CustomFont-Regular.ttf') format('truetype');
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;

  1. In your custom 404 page component, import the CSS file for your custom fonts:
import '../styles/fonts.css';

  1. Use the custom font in your 404 page component by applying the font-family property to the appropriate elements:
const Custom404 = () => {
  return (
      <h1 style={{ fontFamily: 'CustomFont' }}>404 - Page Not Found</h1>
      <p style={{ fontFamily: 'CustomFont' }}>The page you are looking for does not exist.</p>

export default Custom404;

By following these steps, you can use custom fonts on a 404 page in Next.js.

What is the role of the ErrorBoundary component in a custom 404 page in Next.js?

In a Next.js application, the ErrorBoundary component is used to catch and handle errors that occur within its child components. This component acts as a fallback mechanism to display a custom error page when an error occurs, such as a 404 page for page not found errors.

In the context of a custom 404 page in Next.js, the ErrorBoundary component can be used to catch any errors that occur when a user navigates to a non-existent page. By wrapping the entire application with the ErrorBoundary component, any errors that occur within the application can be caught and redirected to the custom 404 page.

This helps to improve the user experience by providing a consistent and informative error page when a user tries to access a page that does not exist. The ErrorBoundary component helps to prevent the default Next.js error page from being displayed and instead allows for a more customized error handling experience.

How to redirect to a custom 404 page in Next.js?

To redirect to a custom 404 page in Next.js, you can create a custom error page by creating a file named 404.js inside the pages directory in your Next.js project.

Inside the 404.js file, you can create a custom 404 page with the content and styling you want to display when a page is not found. Here is an example of a simple custom 404 page:

const Custom404 = () => {
  return (
      <h1>404 - Page Not Found</h1>
      <p>Sorry, the page you are looking for does not exist.</p>

export default Custom404;

Next, you need to configure Next.js to use this custom 404 page when a page is not found. To do this, you can create a custom _error.js file in the pages directory with the following code:

import React from 'react';

const ErrorPage = () => {
  return <Custom404 />;

export default ErrorPage;

With this setup, Next.js will automatically redirect to the custom 404 page whenever a user tries to access a page that does not exist in your application.

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