How to Add Environment Variables In Next.js?

6 minutes read

In Next.js, you can add environment variables by creating a .env file in the root directory of your project. Inside this file, you can define key-value pairs of environment variables that you want to use in your project.

Next.js automatically loads environment variables from the .env file and makes them accessible in your application code. You can access these variables using the process.env object.

For example, if you have a variable named API_URL in your .env file, you can access it in your code like this: process.env.API_URL.

Remember to add the .env file to your .gitignore if you are using Git to avoid exposing sensitive information. You can also create multiple .env files for different environments like .env.development, .env.production, etc., and Next.js will load the appropriate file based on the NODE_ENV variable.

Overall, adding environment variables in Next.js is a simple and useful way to manage your application settings and configurations.

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What is the process of adding global environment variables in Next.js?

To add global environment variables in Next.js, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a file named .env in the root of your Next.js project.
  2. Define your environment variables in this file using the format NAME=VALUE. For example:

  1. Access these environment variables in your Next.js components or pages using process.env.VARIABLE_NAME. For example:
const apiUrl = process.env.API_URL;

  1. If you want to use the environment variables in server-side code, you can create a next.config.js file in the root of your project and add the following code:
module.exports = {
  env: {
    API_URL: process.env.API_URL,

  1. If you need to use the environment variables in static files or client-side JavaScript, you can use a package like dotenv to load the environment variables. Install the package by running:
npm install dotenv

and create a file like utils/env.js with the following content:

const dotenv = require('dotenv');

export const API_URL = process.env.API_URL;

Then, import and use the environment variables in your client-side code.

By following these steps, you can easily add global environment variables in your Next.js project.

What is the advantage of using environment variables in Next.js?

Using environment variables in Next.js has several advantages, including:

  1. Improved security: Environment variables allow you to store sensitive information, such as API keys and database passwords, outside of your codebase. This helps prevent this information from being exposed in your source code and protects it from being accessed by unauthorized users.
  2. Flexibility: Using environment variables allows you to easily configure your application based on different environments (such as development, staging, and production) without having to modify your code. This makes it easier to deploy and maintain your application in different environments.
  3. Portability: Environment variables make it easier to share and collaborate on projects, as they allow you to define configuration settings independently of the codebase. This makes it simpler to deploy your application in different environments or on different servers.
  4. Scalability: Environment variables allow you to dynamically adjust configuration settings without having to redeploy your application. This makes it easier to scale your application and respond to changes in your environment or infrastructure.

Overall, using environment variables in Next.js can help improve the security, flexibility, portability, and scalability of your application.

How to pass environment variables to a Next.js page component?

To pass environment variables to a Next.js page component, you can use getServerSideProps or getStaticProps functions to fetch the environment variables and pass them as props to the page component.

Here's an example using getServerSideProps:

  1. Create a .env.local file in the root of your Next.js project and define your environment variables in it.
  2. In your page component file, import process from node:
import process from 'process';

  1. Use the getServerSideProps function to fetch the environment variables and pass them as props to the page component:
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
  // Fetch environment variables
  const { MY_ENV_VARIABLE } = process.env;

  return {
    props: {
      myEnvVariable: MY_ENV_VARIABLE

export default function MyPageComponent({ myEnvVariable }) {
  return (
      <p>My environment variable: {myEnvVariable}</p>

  1. Access the environment variable in your page component using the props passed:
<p>My environment variable: {myEnvVariable}</p>

By following these steps, you should be able to pass environment variables to a Next.js page component using getServerSideProps or getStaticProps.

How to pass environment variables to Next.js?

You can pass environment variables to Next.js by creating a .env.local file in the root of your project and adding your variables in the format of KEY=VALUE. For example:


Then, you can access these variables in your Next.js code using the process.env object. For example:

const apiUrl = process.env.API_URL;

Make sure to restart your Next.js server after adding or changing environment variables for them to take effect.

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